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1 day until due date.
2003-01-28 | 12:52 p.m.

so today i went to the doctor. he said nothing has changed. i'm still 1 centimeter and about 50-60% effaced. he said more on the 50% side. he said we could do a voluntary induction, but you have to be 2 centimeters and 70 or 75% (i can't remember exactly) effaced. he said there's no health problems forcing us to do anything, so we would just wait it out. he said i could still go into labor at any time (it seems people think i don't know this). and he said i will see him next week, but hopefully not.

i guess i'm a little disappointed that there has been no progress in the past 4 weeks. i mean, i'm staying the same dialation-wise. i just feel like a sitting duck. maybe she listens well already, i said for over a month that i wanted to have her on february 3rd, maybe she's holding out until them. either way, it's getting kind of frustrating.

regardless, tomorrow is the due date. it looks like i have no 'easy' out for school today. must go. could be worse, could be going everyday. i guess i'm just very physically tired. you never realize how physically tiring it is being pregnant until you are 40 weeks pregnant. so, regardless, the doctor said at 42 weeks they have to do something. so, at the very very most, i have 2 more weeks to go. hopefully she will make her appearance before that. i want to see what she looks like. and see who she looks more like, even though all newborns look kind of shriveled. either way. we shall see.

so, tomorrow will be happy due date to me.

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