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4 months old!
2003-06-18 | 6:36 p.m.

time flies. simple as that. how can one day, it seem your life is about to change, then when it changes, you barely have time to think about that change until it's already on top of you? not complaining, just stating a simple fact. life goes by too fast with things that should be allowed to last a lifetime. i wish i could enjoy my little girl like this, forever. not go through the teenage years, or the toddler years. just see her and look at her and see her smile at me. watch her learn the joys of her hands and feet and her tongue. forget about the boys that will come and the fights, just enjoy her for all her little cuteness.

the other day i introduced the excersaucer to her (for those of you who don't know, it's like a walker but the bottom is rounded) and she loves it. its one of the older versions without all the several snazzy toys so i just put a few extra toys on, and she loves it. i think she likes the fact that she can turn around, stand, or sit and not have to wait for someone else to realize it. she can entertain herself in there for a long time. she enjoys it a lot.

she's four months old. yep. 4 months. where did the last four months go? she's so precious, she really is. she rarely cries, she smiles at EVERYONE, she's gorgeous (and i can say this without being biased because everyone in the world stops and to tell us) and she's just wonderful. she loves to coo, she loves to smile, she is just a lovely, happy, gorgeous baby. yesyes.

so, she had her four month check up on monday (she officially turned 4 months on friday the 13th... but hey). and man! she grows like a weed! she's 16 pounds 12 ounces, 26 and a half inches long, and her head is 43 cm. her pediatrician said i could start her on cereal since she's 4 months and over 15 pounds, and that's the criteria. but i'm not going to yet. he's a loser. i really can't stand him. he makes me feel like i'm stupid. he seemed surprised she can't roll over yet. but all she has to do is get her hip over, and she's got it. but it's hard. she's a precious little thing. she's looking at me now like 'mama, what are you doing?' she's trying to see the monitor or something.

josh graduated on june 7th. he got 3 awards. 2 awards for proficiency in reading and writing and the presidents excellency in education (or whatever it's called). they didn't give class ranks. most only got 1, he was the only to recieve three. and one of his teachers said that if he needed help with computers (josh went to a cyber school) that he would contact josh.

i do have one picture from the graduation. i would post more but i'm not a big fan of posting pictures of myself. i'll have to get copies of these couple pictures of her that are gorgeous. she's holding the bunny you can see in this picture and smiling like crazy. she LOVES this bunny. she likes to take him in the car more than play with him here, though. i tried to get a picture of her in the excersaucer, but my digital camera is weird. i really can't figure it out.

josh is leaving his job at the kings restaraunt because he hates it. instead he's going back to burger king. for some reason, he liked it better there.

sorry this entry doesn't have a lot of pizazz. i'm really worn out. sarah got 4 shots on monday and has been a little extra fussy since. she's been having trouble falling asleep at night. though, she still won't take naps. she takes a 2-3 hour nap in the swing once a day, and a few 30 minute naps (no matter if i hold her or put her down). she's a very active baby. she loves to see whats going on.

uumm... what else? not much has been going on.

my brother, rick, who lives with us, has had this dog, cody, for several years. probably over 8 years. i remember when he was a puppy and i could pick him up. he's a beautiful dog. he's all white with these ice blue eyes. very good dog. he's part german shepard, husky, and wolf. he's been having trouble going up and down steps and stuff lately, so my brother took him to the vet. they thought it might be lupus, but they found out it was anemia. then, the doctor thought he saw a lump or something on his stomach or something, he thought it might be a tumor, so they took x-rays. they found out cody has cancer in his stomach and his lungs. he's lost a lot of weight and his one side is all swollen from the cancer. the doctor gave him anti-inflamatories and iron pills, but said, once cody started throwing up and having diarhea, there was nothing else they could do. rick went away for a few days, and cody had really bad diarhea with blood in it. rick is convinced that it's just because he's been eating cooked ground meat to take his pills. but regardless, the poor dog is dying. and if he's in pain, why not just put him out of all the pain he's in? he won't even do steps anymore. it's sad because i remember when i could pick cody up, now, i couldn't pick him up if i wanted too.

that got a bit gross, sorry. i'm just tired. today hasn't been that great of a day.

i guess this diary is getting popular or something. 6 new people added it to their favorites list. funfun for everyone!

well, sarah's crying, and i'm tired. so that'll be all for now. i'll leave you with this picture of the sarah bearah sleepin'.

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