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2002-11-11 | 7:34 p.m.

i have a question.

anyone who has ever been pregnant that reads this, this is addressed to you.

did you find during your pregnancy that you were more emotional? or quick to anger? or mood swingy?

the question i really wanna ask is, if someone says something, and they don't mean it offensively, did you take things offensively?

that's been happening to me more and more lately. i'll be in a really good mood, and then BAM, i get pissed off to the point that i wanna rip someones head off. and sometimes josh'll say something, that i'm pretty sure he doesn't intend on it to be mean, but it hurts my feelings. i just don't know if it's me, or if it's pregnancy hormones. who knows.

i would really appreciate answers. thank you in advance.

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