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8 more days.
2003-01-21 | 5:09 p.m.

this has to be one of the worst parts of pregnancy. this damned waiting. 8 more days until my due date. i thought i'd go two weeks early. but nope. she's wedged in there. part of me wants to be in labor right now, but the other part is scared shitless. you go through all of this work, pain, preparing, and everything for the final result, the baby. but it would be too convenient for the baby to give you some kinda hint as to when it will join the world, and let you have your body back. it uses your womb for about 8 or 9 months (not counting preemies) and you deal with the hunger, cravings, backaches, having to pee all the time, the monthly, then every 2 weeks, then weekly visits to the doctors, you get asked embarassing questions, you get embarassing tests, not to mention the morning sickness, you take extra pills to make sure that the baby is healthy, you get all big and portly with stretch marks, you lose sleep, you can't see your feet, and so many other countless things, then you get to go through labor, which is a pain, literally, and the baby gets to take over your body, live in it's safe little amniotic fluid, give you some nice kicks in the ribs, bladder, or wherever else it feels necessary, and it doesn't let you know when it's going to grace you with it's presence.

i'm not trying to sound bitter. i just want to know when i'll get my body back. and when i can stop waddling. and when i can stop having these backaches. and when i can stop having to wake up everytime i want to roll over in the middle of the night. i guess i'm just getting anxious.

i have no idea if this is normal, but i keep bursting into tears for no apparent reason. i was driving home from school today, listening to josh's jimmy eat world cd, a slower song came on, and bam. i was crying. i have no clue why. i'm really not sad. i just started crying. and i felt like an idiot. but, as is so great about being pregnant, i can chalk it up to pregnancy hormones. but then, i can say it's post-pregnancy hormones. and then after i run out of excuses involving pregnancy, i can go back to using pms. what a wonderful thing it is to be a girl!

don't really know what else there is to say besides my sister keeps giving josh and i tons of stuff to use. which i find really amazing. i don't know why.

i guess i have more baby organizing to do since my sister gave us some more stuff yesterday.

8 more days! (come on birth story!)

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